MIDI Compensator module

This module lets you to delay MIDI signals by a specific number of milliseconds to compensate for audio latency in Voltage Modular.

With the correct delay setting sounds from your external MIDI equipment will play in perfect sync with sounds created inside Voltage Modular.

It is especially useful when using large audio buffer sizes.

Note that this module delays the MIDI data being sent out in order to match the latency of Voltage Modular. It is of no use if your MIDI setup has more latency that Voltage Modular.

Connect MIDI Compensator’s MIDI OUT to the MIDI IN socket of the Cherry Audio’s MIDI Output module (part of the Core bundle) or alternatively the MIDI input of the Plug-In Host or Mini Plug-In Host..

Then route all your MIDI output signals to MIDI Compensator’s MIDI IN socket.

Check in Voltage Modular’s Audio and MIDI settings to see what the delay is for your current sample rate and buffer size. Then set MIDI Compensator’s DELAY IN MSEC to the closest number of milliseconds. The actual value required may vary but this is a good place to start.

The TEST button can be used to check and fine tune the delay. When TEST is engaged a periodic beep is sent to the AUDIO BEEPS OUT socket at the same time as a MIDI note is played into the input of the Compensator.

Connect AUDIO BEEPS OUT to Voltage Modular’s main audio output so that you can hear the beeps.

Test mode

Setup your external MIDI synthesizer to play a sound with a fast attack and release on MIDI channel 1.

You should then hear both the internal beep and the external synthesizer sound. Adjust the Compensator’s delay setting until both sounds occur at exactly the same time.

If the external sound starts before the internal one then increase the delay setting and vice versa.

To make rapid changes to the delay setting hold down the SHIFT key while clicking on the up or down button.

The maximum delay is 99 milliseconds. In the very unlikely event that you are unfortunate enough to have even more latency in your setup then chain Compensators in series to increase the delay.

The OVERLOAD LED indicates an excessive number of MIDI messages being received. You should never see this LED light up in normal circumstances but a faulty module or feedback loop could swamp the Compensator. Beyond a certain level the Compensator will ignore further inputs to prevent excessive memory being used.


The MIDI Compensator module is available as part of LSSP XL or Androit Tookit.